Rekindling and Strengthening our Ancestral Ties
Reconnecting the Severed Links between People of African Descent in the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Afro-Latin Diaspora

Meet The Panelists
Senador Samuel “Sam” Carrión
Senador en la Legislatura
de las Islas Vírgenes
de los Estados Unidos
Shellyne Rodríguez
Artist, educator, writer,
and community organizer
based in the Bronx.
Guesnerth Josué Perea
Director Ejecutivo
del afrolatin@ forum
Hiram Williams Figueroa, J.D.
Director de REBIA
Fundación Comunitaria
de Puerto Rico
Karen Juanita Carrillo
Autora, Fotógrafa,
Periodista, Co-Fundadora
de la página web
Meet The Moderator
Olga Chapman Rivera
Founder & Chief
Go Getter of
BRAAVE Tribu Collab
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